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; $VER: Install WWWW 0.1 (05.10.98) ; Installer script by WHMP ; Description: Installer script for WWWWorkbench ARexx script (set v39 (>= (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536) 39)) (set awv 3) (set awr 1) (set #needInst43 "You must use Installer version 43 or greater. Use the Installer program from your AWeb-II disk.") (if (< (/ @installer-version 65536) 43) (abort #needInst43) ) (set #installing "Installing ") ; offer to back up a file or drawer (procedure bumprev #bumpfile #bumptxt (if (exists #bumpfile) ( (set bump 1) (while (exists (cat #bumpfile "_old" bump) ) (set bump (+ bump 1)) ) (if (askbool (default 1) (prompt (cat "\n\n\nBackup your current configuration directory \n " #bumpfile " as " #bumpfile "_old" bump " ?\n\n\n " #bumptxt ) ) (help (cat "\n\n To add ways to launch WWWworkbench from AWeb \n your current saved configuration located in \n\"" #bumpfile "\" is about to be over written.\n" "\nYou are being given the chance to back it up." " Changes are minor, but if you are unsure select yes... just in case ;-D ." ) ) ) ; (rename #bumpfile (cat #bumpfile "_old" bump)) ( (set bdest (cat #bumpfile "_old" bump)) (copyfiles (source #bumpfile) (dest bdest) (all) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;add a line to a settings file (procedure addpref #preffile #preftext (foreach "ENVARC:AWeb3" "~(program|browser|gui|network|window|settings)" ( (if (= @each-type 2) (run (cat "echo >>ENVARC:AWeb3/" @each-name "/" #preffile " \"" #preftext "\"") ) ) ) ) (run (cat "echo >>ENVARC:AWeb3/" #preffile " \"" #preftext "\"") ) ) (set #no-aweb-ii (cat "You must have completed the AWeb-II 3.1 installation before " "you can install the %s plug-in. No AWeb3: assign has been found." ) ) (if (not (exists "AWeb3:" (noreq))) (abort (#no-aweb-ii @app-name)) ) (set @default-dest "AWeb3:") (bumprev "envarc:aweb3" (cat "(Your previously SAVED AWeb 3.1 configuration \n" " will then be preserved in this backup directory.)") ) ; backup any previous AWeb3 prefs (set menbut (askoptions (prompt "\n\nInstall WWWworkbench as\n" ) (help "\nThe GUI buttons appear on the main AWeb window" "\nThe ARexx menu is attached to the main AWeb window\n" "GUI buttons are only available with \n" "settings-GUI-options-show user buttons on\n") (choices "A GUI Button" "An ARexx Menu Entry" "" "A Keyboard Shortcut of \"<ALT>W\"" ) (default 3) ) ) (if(bitand 1 menbut) (addpref "gui" "UBUT WWWWRUN AWebpath:Plugins/WWWworkbench/startWWWworkbench.awebrx") ) (if(bitand 2 menbut) (addpref "gui" "AREX 0;AWebpath:plugins/WWWworkbench/startWWWworkbench.awebrx;STARTWWWworkbench") ) ;(if(bitand 4 menbut) ; (addpref "gui" "PUPI 3Image+RUN AWebpath:Plugins/WWWworkbench/startWWWworkbench.awebrx %u") ;) (if(bitand 8 menbut) (addpref "gui" "UKEY 0357 run AWebpath:Plugins/WWWworkbench/startWWWworkbench.awebrx") ) (copyfiles (source "WWWWorkbench") (all) (dest (tackon @default-dest "plugins/WWWworkbench")) (prompt #installing "WWWworkbench") ) (if (= @user-level 2) ( bumprev "env:aweb3" (cat "Your previous ACTIVE AWeb 3.1 configuration\n will then" " be preserved in this backup directory.") ) ;backup any active prefs ) (delete "env:aweb3/#?" (all)) (copyfiles (source "ENVARC:AWeb3") (dest "ENV:AWeb3") (all) ) (complete 100) (set @default-dest "AWeb3:plugins") (exit "\n\n" @app-name " is now installed.\n\n" "If this is an update installation be sure to check your GUI " " settings for duplicate entries." "\n" )